SKYTTER 20 SC is an insecticide belonging to the anthranilic diamide group, with ingestion and contact activity, presented in the form of a concentrated aqueous suspension for application by means of foliar spraying, at the base of the plant or in drip irrigation. Treatments are most effective when programmed to control eggs or larvae. It … Read more


Insecticide of a great systemic effect and contact. MOVI-GO 15% OD is a derivative of tetronic acid and as such is an inhibitor of lipid synthesis so it has a great effect on the forms that need to synthesize a certain amount of fatty acids such as larva, proto and deutoninfas. In addition, it has … Read more


YAKARTA is a fungicide with both a preventive and a curative action. Its active substance is the extract of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). It acts preventively and curatively, by inhibiting the development of spore germination, inhibiting the growth of mycelium and expansive lesion; producing inhibition in the production of sporangia, by eliminating and eradicating colonies … Read more


CITRONIC PLUS is a product of natural origin that acts as an organic fungicide-bactericide. Dose: 100-150 cc/Hl.


SILIKALZIUM is a concentrated calcium and silicon suspension recommended as a fortifying agent for root and/or foliar use whose main task is to strengthen the tissues against all types of plant stress. Silicon in plants activates defense mechanisms, showing an increase in the activity of chitinase enzymes, peroxidases, polyphenol-oxidases and phenolic compounds. Because of its … Read more


Nutri-Aktiv Potasil Humus is a concentrated liquid fertilizer based on potassium silicate, enriched with humic acids. It favors cell wall thickening and decreases external climatic aggression or those produced by diseases. Foliage application: Dosage: 250-400 cc / hl Frequency: repeat every 10-15 days from the first visible leaves after strong humidity conditions. Drip irrigation: Doses … Read more


Liquid fertilizer based on humic acids and fulvic acids.


Liquid fertilizer based on humic acids and fulvic acids.